Thursday, October 16, 2008

No news is good news......

Well we haven't blogged in a while because there isn't anything overly exciting to mention, well maybe a few things. Burkes last treatment was a little weird. There was a fill in nurse and she just did things a lot differently than the other two nurses he has had. He actually got fairly sick while at the hospital, which usually doesn't happen until a day or two later. That was on Tuesday. Sunday morning he woke up and his neck and the area where his port is was very sore, enough to wake him up through the night. So he called the on call oncologist and he said " not normal, head to the ER". So we yanked the kids out of their classes at church, went home, changed clothes, ate lunch, and off we went. We drove to the ER across town because my sister in law is an RN there. The kids and I sat in the waiting room for a while, then we went exploring. We though we might go check out the babies. No viewing windows at this hospital, bummer. That adventure killed about 30 mins. I though we could sit for a while. YEAH RIGHT!!! Our sweet little EJ is not much of a sitter. So we went out to the car and fished out the church bag with books and crayons and stuff. Theres 10 mins. At this point EJ is practically climbing the walls, hanging upside down from chairs, playing leapfrog from chair to chair, doing all of her ballerina moves for the entire waiting room to see. BTW she decided to keep her dress on so every 2 seconds I was saying "Ellie pull your dress down, Ellie cross your legs, Ellie when you do a headstand people can see your skivies". I GIVE! So we were going to try going to the playplace at Mcdonalds and run off some energy. The one by the hospital has no toys. Crud. So lets try Chick-fil-a. Nope not open on sunday, but they are in the same parking lot as Sams Club which is great because my gas light has come on. While pumping gas I stand still long enough to realize that I am extremely tired. By this time we were back on our side of town. Much to the chagrin of my children,("but moooooom you said we could get McDonalds") we went home and took a nap.Burke called a couple hours later and said he was done. They did a port study, basically they shoot dye through the port to make sure it is functioning right, and they also did an ultrasound to make sure there were no clogs or anything. Everything is fine. Nothing a little tylenol couldn't fix. And yes my kids did get McDonalds on sunday. We went after picking Burke up. Sometime a girl just needs some fries! I mean the kids do..........


MissManda-Mae said...

glad all seems to be going well. have a great week... you lucky ducks you!!! take lots of pics and post soon!

Rachel Goodwin Williams said...

Burke, so glad I found your blog off of Katrina's. Sorry to hear that you are going through the cancer battle. We will be praying for you and your family!

Mrs. Projectaholic said...

glad to hear all went well with the port...those things can be scary. have fun in Disney, I know you will have a blast!!!

Kristen said...

Oh Shelly, you are a trooper! Ports are SOOO frustrating! We too have had MANY port studies to find nothing wrong, but the port still won't draw. UGH!!! Is all I can say. We keep you in our prayers and being a cancer survivor I want YOU to know, you have the hardest job!! It is so much harder to be the spouse that has to sit by and watch...not being able to do a thing! As well as maintain a family and keep everyone's spirits up! You are doing an amazing job and let me tell you it's okay to have days that just feel like it's too much! I know my husband did. He would spend HOURS at my side in the hospital wathcing my vomit uncontrollably, and I unfortunately had to spend 6-8 weeks in the hospital while doing chemo, all while my hubby felt like he was neglecting our 2 year old. You have a tough job and are doing amazing!!

Momma Strain said...

mmm mc donalds fries are good :) thats weird his port was feeling funny.. my mother inlaw gets those sometimes for her lupus. they do not look like fun at all!! owie!!