Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bone Marrow Biopsy

To say that I was nervous going into this would be an understatement. I know that I am going to be going through a lot of tough stuff, but I was definitely the most scared of having the biopsy. You hear of so many horror stories about how painful bone marrow testing/transplants are that I let myself get really worked up. I knew I was going to think about it all night so I actually took the muscle-relaxer/sleep aid that I had. This is the first time that I actually taken anything. I had my biopsy last Friday I got to the doctor and got checked in they got me set up in my room and started the IV. The nurse was really nice but she will NEVER start an IV for me again. It was defiantly the most painful one that I have had so far. After a few minutes they wheeled me (I am having a really hard time getting used to getting wheeled around) into the procedure room. I said hi to Dr McAllister, my Oncologist, and they had my move on the table sunny side up. Within seconds the next thing that I remember is talking to Shelly back in my room. Supposedly I was awake the whole time but I have no memory of it.

The procedure consists of putting a needle in to the bone and sucking out a little bone marrow. Then on the way out the doctor takes a little sample of the actual bone for testing. They then send it off to make sure that the cancer has not spread into my bones. He took the sample from my hipbone in my lower back. Basically if you put your hands on your hips the location is where your thumb is. They do it there because there is really no meat on top of the bone and it is a large bone.

After they let me out of the hospital I went home and slept it off until about 1pm. After that I really felt pretty good. It felt a lot like I got hit in the back with a paintball. It was sore but really not that bad. By Saturday the site was a little tender but not bad at all.

On the bad/scary scale I give it about a 3 out of 10. If I have to do it again it will not be that big of a deal.

Now I have heard that some doctors do this procedure with just local ­­­­­anesthesia. I will never do it that way!! Sedation is definitely the way to go!


DebbieT said...
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DebbieT said...

Burke, thanks so much for keeping us updated via your blog - you've got some strong prayers lifting you and your family. Keep inspiring us!!